War Crimes


Non-Sequiturs: 12.05.16

* More about Judge Posner's unusual questioning in a Seventh Circuit case on sexual orientation discrimination. [Rewire] * And more from Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig about the Electoral College -- this time, a Fourteenth Amendment argument against how it operates, not against the institution itself. [Medium]< * An analysis of the Death Star as a war crime. [The Legal Geeks] * Sleep tips for working moms. [Corporette] * I know you're dying for more info on Biglaw 401(k) plans. [LinkedIn] * Post-election, is the Supreme Court back to business as usual? [Empirical SCOTUS] * New dean for Saint Louis University School of Law. [The Faculty Lounge] * Tips to stop annoying people this holiday season. [Law and More]


Non-Sequiturs: 04.29.16

* Fanfic come to life! Allison Janney handles the White House press corps as C.J. Cregg. Can you catch all the West Wing references she throws out in under a minute? [The Decider] * Sure, people want a "sleep revolution," but it is only likely to garner ridicule in the legal profession. Aren't we lucky? [Law and More] * Salon's latest HOTTAKE suggests Bernie or Bust folks should vote for Donald Trump. Yes, it is that stupid. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Behind the IP fight that killed a fashion house revival. [The Fashion Law] * Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is really pissed at the Southern Poverty Law Center because they filed an ethics complaint against him. I mean all he did was tell probate judges not to marry same-sex couples... [Wonkette] * U.S. military says U.S. military is not guilty of a war crime for bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital. [Huffington Post] * The impact an eight-justice Supreme Court may have on climate change. [Green Biz]


Non-Sequiturs: 03.04.16

* Perhaps this means the return of cool Hillary. [The Slot] * Yes, you can laugh at the Supreme Court. [Bloomberg View] * Deflategate oral arguments happened. Prognosticators are prognosticating that Tom Brady may indeed have to sit out some games. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Yeaaaah, you aren't supposed to do that. Lab tech faked results, and now 2,100 criminal convictions are up for review due to the impropriety. [NJ.com] * Multitasking -- and not looking like an ass in the process -- is a real art form. [Daily Lawyer Tips] * Why is no one talking about how progressive Hillary's tax plan really is? [Slate] * Yeah, Donald Trump is still TOTALLY into war crimes. [Huffington Post]


Non-Sequiturs: 01.07.16

* People in the United Nations are doing a lot of legal research on a very disturbing subject. [Vox] * David Schwimmer is playing the late Robert Kardashian in American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson -- but that doesn't mean he'll meet with the Kardashian sisters. [The Hollywood Reporter] * If, for some reason, you need yet another reminder that we have a terrible problem in this country with racism and police aggression, here is an eloquent reminder. [Black Debate Guy] * Does the public have a right to know if their legislators are sleeping with lobbyists? One Missouri lawmaker thinks they do. [Columbia Tribune] * Gerald Rosenberg (affiliate link) is still wrong that court victories derail activist movements. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Is it child endangerment to leave a sleeping baby alone? Is that a cultural thing? [Law and More]


Non-Sequiturs: 12.11.14

* A registered sex offender wins the lottery. $3 million buys a lot of windowless vans. [Orlando Sentinel] * Judge to federal prosecutor: "You’re branded as a liar and you’ll remain a liar for the rest of your life." [New York Observer] * A New York lawyer has been arrested and charged with running down 5 people in Herald Square. Alcohol and crack pipes are involved. And topless selfies. Look, you're going to see more on this from Staci in the morning, so just sit tight. [Inquisitr] * If you want to live in a mansion, all you need to do is forge a few documents. [Gawker] * The Supreme Court of Canada says cops can search your phone when they arrest you. But only to check the Habs score. [Ars Technica] * Another installment of Posner on Posner. This time focusing on the First Amendment. [Concurring Opinions] * This week we learned there's a thing called "rectal feeding." Professor Michael Dorf on why it's totally a war crime. [Dorf on Law] * How many law schools will close by 2020? [TaxProf Blog] * Want to be on the LSAC Board of Trustees? It's not like they have any glaring problems that require a leadership change. [LSAC]

Law School Deans

Non-Sequiturs: 06.06.13

* A recovering attorney is starting a cake pop business. Never had a cake pop? Then you’re dumb. Or, I guess, diabetic. Sorry if you’re diabetic. [Kickstarter] * Wondering what happened to the survivors of the crash of the USS Vengeance in the new Star Trek movie? This is how their trials would likely go down. [The Legal Geeks] * If you’re looking for a new dean for your law school, look no further. [Law Prof Blawg] * Student debt is crushing the business dreams of a Tulane law grad. Apparently she just can’t make her payments running her sorority recruiting business. Wait a minute? I thought “sororities” handle “sorority recruiting.” [Bloomberg] * New York City feels hipsters everyone needs to be warned not to wear bowling shoes outside. [Lowering the Bar] * As promised, the second installment of an interview with biochemist attending Yale Law School. [Science to Law] * Before rising 3Ls realize nobody is coming to interview them, maybe we should point them towards the Schola2Juris program of Waller Lansden? It’s application period opens on June 7th. [Schola2Juris]


Is Peeing On Somebody A War Crime?

Is peeing on somebody's dead body a war crime? The video of those American Marines urinating on dead Afghan bodies is so disturbing that it somehow demands a legal response. Aside from whatever punishment the United States Marine Corps wants to impose on these guys, there isn't a whole lot the international community can do to punish them. Unless we want to call urinating on somebody a "war crime." But is punishing some jackasses worth diluting the term?